Michael Dembrow (Dem. HD 45 Portland area) has emerged as the ONLY Oregon legislator to support a Single Payer Solution to America's/Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis. Thank you Michael. It's about time. One down, eighty-nine plus a governor to go.

Send words of encouragement to these Single Payer advocates:

AFSCME District Council 75 - http://www.afscme.org/directory/181_366.cfm

Amalgamated Transit Union Local 757 - http://www.atu757.org/welcome.htm

American Federation of Teachers Local 5017 - http://www.aftnw.org/

Democratic Party of Lane County - http://www.dplc.org/officials.htm

International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees - http://www.iatse-intl.org/home.html

Lane County Commission - http://www.co.lane.or.us/

Multnomah County Commission - http://www.multco.us/portal/site/MultnomahCounty

Newly Enlightened Oregon Legislators - Michael Dembrow, rep.michaeldembrow@state.or.us

Newly Enlightened Members of Oregon's Congressional Delegation ???????

Oregon Academy of Family Physicians - http://www.oafp.org/DigestofCongressOAFP2009.htm

Oregon Education Association - http://www.oregoned.org/site/pp.asp?c=9dKKKYMDH&b=123024

Oregon Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals - http://www.ofnhp.com/?view=home

Oregon Nurses Association - http://oregonrn.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=173 

Oregon Teamsters Local 206 - http://unionsforsinglepayerhr676.org/news_releases/2008-11-18

Pacific Green Party of Oregon http://www.pacificgreens.org/cat-get-involved/contact-us/

State Council of Machinists (IAM) - http://www.iamdl24.org/

U.S. House Republicans (13) - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/07/31/13-republicans-voted-to-a_n_249026.html

105 Million Americans Already Benefit From A Single Payer Health Care Plan

45 million Americans are enrolled in Medicare. 60 million Americans are enrolled in Medicaid. That's 105 million Americans that receive health care benefits from the single payer, taxpayer funded, federal government administered programs known as Medicare and Medicaid. Why isn't this good enough for the rest of America?

5 Million Americans Already Benefit From A Socialized Medicine Health Care Plan

5 million Americans are enrolled in the Veterans Administration health care program. All of the health care providers are employees of the federal government. This is the definition of socialized medicine. Why isn't this good enough for the rest of America?

The Fundamental Yet Still UNDEBATED Question

The current legislative debate over health care reform does not include the argument that the profit oriented private health insurance industry must not be the model upon which a solution to America's moral and economic health care crisis should be based and that American elected officials - public employees - veterans - voters and taxpayers must have EQUAL ACCESS to the SAME LEVEL of health care NOT a perpetuation of our current multitiered health insurance CLASS system.

Richard Ellmyer